Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My precious (Gollum's voice)


Ahhh, my beautiful and beloved BOWS! My love for you is endless and inexplainable, I'd mary you if I could and you, my hair and I would live eternally happy!

I can't recall when I my love for bows started, I can only tell you I see no end in this road.
I do remember the first BIG bow I owned was a black one from Stradivarious -which was, by the matter of fact, a necklace NOT a hair accessory-, and since my hair is starting to grow I love the look it gives to it :)  I must add I only use them when I straighten my hair, not when is naturally curly because it shortens and it's not the same... but as soon as it grows down to my hips you won't get this bows out of my hair!

It's not the same feeling making them for me than making them for money matter, it is 1000000000 times more fun when I'm not getting anything more than my own satisfaction out of them. But that doesn't mean I don't make them with extra love when I'm getting payed from them, I repeat: Every bow is made with two rations of extra love!  

Tomorrow I have DESIGN II for the first time and I am thrilled with the idea! 

I hope you had a nice wensday!

bisou bisou, 

Bow lover.