I'll follow you until you love me, PAPARAZZI
I'm feeling lazy so I'll give you a quick explanation: A friend of mine is making a photo shoot in about a week inspired in four Lady Gaga's music videos; She's taking the pictures, a friend of hers is doing the make up and she asked me and two more girls to make some piece for the shoot. As you can see, I chose Paparazzi (the other options were just dance, born this way and telephone). I don't even know why I picked this, it was so unintentional. I was making random bows when this idea popped into my head! Lazy as I am, I took the first writing thing I saw -a blue crayon- and a piece of paper and start drawing... I send it to her immediately (around 11 pm) and she loved it!
So here's how the design evolved, you can see how the bow changed from black to yellow and how I added chiffon loose sleeves to the shirt. I liked it better when it was not colored but I love it anyway.
I hope you liked it as much as I did since it's the first time I'll be making a design that will be actually shown to somebody and not only worn by my sister and me!
Have a goodnight and don't forget to thank God for everything he gave you today (including the computer, cellphone or whatever you're using to read this blog).
bisou bisou,
Ps. Picture's are crapy because I took them with my cellphone. oopsy.