Monday, July 4, 2011


I found it hard to design clothe that is not black and white, I do not know why but I'm trying to work on it; With this in mind I bumped with this pictures in a blog I discovered today and if this doesn't inspires me, nothing will. I never post anything I design and the reason is:  I'm a lazy person... lazy as a fat big koala! Since i got out of college I've not been designing at all (not to mention I almost never design at college -stupid lack of good design schools.). 

BUT if I don't take the inactive who will? I'll try to design more. I'm working on my people sketching now, and I'm trying to add some clothe to them.. I'm not being very original right now, but it's just the beginning... give me time.

I'm super excited right now, about designing, sketching, sewing, etc. PLUS I'm taking bakery classes next thursday and this one I'm going to a vintage bazar! 

Dinner time, I hope you had a great monday.
